Dog Bed Hack

Merry Christmas Eve!  First, I want to confirm that my Carhartts are indeed back in the closet – it’s almost 70 degrees already.  We might hit a record high today. Crazy weather, but I’m not complaining.
Back to the original subject – the dog bed hack.  To set the scene, I need to tell you that I have the most awesome pet sitter that comes and checks on the pups while we are at work.  Nothing fazes Kim and if the dogs make some sort of mess, she deals with it and leaves me a note.
Yesterday, I saw a text from Kim and was a bit concerned.  One of our dogs, Lacy, hasn’t been feeling well and I was worried about her.
I opened the text and there was the most priceless picture, here is the text:
“After I got the dogs dried off and mopped the paw prints, this is where I found Reacher.”
Reacher is our miniature Rat Terrier who evidently did his own dog bed hack to turn it into a sleeping bag!  You should see the stuffing that was excavated :)
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