Waiting on Jonas

If you live in an area that gets any amount of snow, you know the mad preparations prior to a storm – running to the grocery store, hardware store and for some of us the liquor store :)
For those of you with pets, making sure they have enough food, supplies and any meds is a priority.  Scott and I had that covered with the exception of a sweater for our mini rat terrier, Reacher.
When Reacher was a puppy he would literally grab the back corner of his sweater with this teeth and pull it over his head.  I used to blame the other dogs until I saw it myself.  Anyway, for this epic snow I figured it was time to give the sweater another try.  Problem was, he had outgrown his old sweater so the great sweater hunt began.
The good news is there are a lot of pet lovers out there that were snapping up all the dog sweaters. Despite being frustrating for me, I’m glad that folks are looking out for their pups. One local pet store had a 45.00 Chewbacca costume that might have fit, but it was very bulky and had a huge hood so we moved on to the next store.  No luck there, so off to good old Walmart.  I’ve got to tell you, it looked like Black Friday – what was left of the sweaters were off the racks and lay heaped in a pile.  By luck, there was one sweater left that I thought would fit despite it being marked for a Boxer/Lab.  No Boxer or Lab I know could have squeezed into this bad boy.
A little bit older and wiser Reacher decided that he liked the sweater and wore it proudly as we waited for the storm.
X and Binny checking out the new sweater.
X and Binny checking out the new sweater.
Reacher fast asleep with Ace.